„Sprache ist der
             Schlüssel zur Welt”

     Wilhelm von Humboldt


Other language services

  • Translations in other subject areas

  • Certifications

  • Editing and proofreading

  • Individual language training
  There’s nothing like being correctly understood!

Because my services are highly customized, I do not offer a set pricelist. Please refer to the general information below to help you in assessing your potential translation needs.

Translations are customarily billed based upon the number of lines of text in the target language, with one line consisting of 50-55 characters (including spaces). The price also includes services such as research and editing. Depending upon the project, time-based billing may be more a practical alternative.

The price of a translation depends upon the length of the text, degree of difficulty, research involved, and delivery date. Rates are based upon Section 11 of the German Judicial Remuneration and Compensation Act (JVEG).

I will be happy to prepare an individualized quote for your project, at no cost or obligation. Please send me via email the document that you need translated, specifying the target language, desired delivery date, and your contact information.